
AeroGuard Alumni Spotlight: Beth Brown

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With our Alumni Spotlight, we look forward to featuring pilots that have completed their time at AeroGuard and are now flying the skies with major airlines. Today, we are featuring Beth Brown. 

Beth is currently a Captain for SkyWest Airlines. Her time at AeroGuard started when she became a CFI for us, and then later became a check instructor. When asked about how her time at AeroGuard prepared her for her current career, Beth shared that the school helped develop her career in a professional manner and instilled leadership in her that strengthened her career as a captain. She mentioned that “the way AeroGuard operates provided opportunities to grow within the company that also allowed me to grow into professional roles within the whole scope of the aviation industry.” 

Becoming a CFI allowed Beth to share her passion for flying with others while honing her own skills. She dedicated countless hours to instructing aspiring pilots, imparting knowledge and instilling confidence in their abilities. Beth described that learning new procedures and adjusting to a different environment was a challenge, as well as learning how to lead colleagues as a check instructor and growing into that leadership role. However, these challenges, along with how AeroGuard operates their scheduling and dispatch procedures, helped prepare her for the real world of being a professional airline pilot because of similar processes and adjustments.

AeroGuard’s flight training programs are structured at an accelerated rate, and provides graduates the opportunity to become a CFI and continue their training, gaining experience and building flight hours. From an AeroGuard CFI to a SkyWest captain, it only took Beth about 14 months to reach her goal. AeroGuard takes the hard work and dedication of our students and graduates and ensures that they have the training and opportunities to advance in their careers and meet their goals in record time. Along with the skills, experience, and connections established at AeroGuard, Beth’s journey to becoming a SkyWest Captain serves as a testament to the power of her unwavering dedication, perseverance, and love for aviation.

When asked about how important networking and making connections at AeroGuard was, Beth was passionate about her answer. She stated that these connections are “infinitely valuable”. She shared that AeroGuard taught her so much about networking and she was able to attend several leadership webinars on how to make these valuable connections. She believes in saying yes to opportunities and sharing them with others. 

Beth is proud of where she is in her career and all that she’s accomplished leading up to becoming a captain at SkyWest. She loves the lifestyle, the travel, the on-the-go environment, and even the challenges. “Every day is different even if it’s the same flight to the same city – there are so many elements that go into each day.” As a pilot, every day is truly an adventure! 

Her advice for those who are interested in pursuing a career as an airline pilot, or those who have already started the journey? Find a mentor, and find a mentee. The best way to understand and value your own mentor, is to become one. This allows you understand the value of the relationship so much more and give you the confidence to ask for help when you need it. Making these connections and confiding in your community makes all the difference when you are all working towards the same goal. Her career at SkyWest shines a light on the success that comes from dreams that are fueled by passion, determination, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. 

Thank you for your time at AeroGuard, Beth! We are so proud of where you are and can’t wait to see where else your career takes you. 

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